I Made A Thing

Pet Portraits in Mixed Media In Progress

Sometimes I feel like I’m all over the place but right now, I’ve got a focus like I haven’t had before. I’ve decided to work on art that sparks a memory, whether that be a pet portrait, a special place you’ve been or lived. I’m all about recreating memories, which ties into my ongoing souvenir business, as well.

I’ve been working on pet portraits and it’s been a fun to work on. Here are some of the examples I’ve done recently. They’re far from perfect, but that’s so me! I’m also gaining confidence in my travel adventure photos and landscapes. It’s all coming together.

Our New Dog, Cooper, Making Himself At Home

Cooper, a Boxer/Mastiff, couldn’t be more different than Peanut, our Yorkie/Brussels Griffon. He’s playful, loves the kids, is quite big in size, cares when people come and go from the house, eats everything, sheds his fur, sleeps on the couch, eats sticks, oh wait, he does all the things a normal dog usually does. I think Peanut might be the weirdo in the house.

Living Vicariously Through Friends

Since I can’t travel with my own family, I’m turning friend’s travel adventure photos into quick mixed media paintings in my sketchbook. They’re fun, done fast without paying attention to detail or perfection, and putting me in the right direction.

and this one from an past trip

and one from a friend’s trip to Ireland

Have A Great Trip, Els

Enjoy all the people and city life!